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Tuesday, May 31, 2011


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Monday, May 30, 2011

The Assiniboine River

A view from the Assiniboine park foot bridge over the Assiniboine river.

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Wednesday, May 25, 2011

American Red Squirrel

I have a love/hate relationship with these guys.

They can be so destructive in an urban environment. They get into places they should not be. They horde things in those places. They chew on things that they should not. They can also be noisy when they get riled up.

On the good side, they are so friendly (if you have the right bribes) and they are just darned cute.

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Tuesday, May 24, 2011

Dark-eyed Junco

This little guy is quite common, but I was lucky enough to catch this one with a worm of some kind in his mouth.

Monday, May 9, 2011

Peregrine Falcon

Say hello to the world's fastest creature. These little guys can reach speeds upwards of 300 km/h. They need to move that fast because they eat other birds, amoung other things. This Winnipeg sighting was exciting for me because the Peregrine Falcon has been endangered, and is fairly rare. They were affected by the use of pesticides, such as DDT. Quite a nice sight to see. If I'm lucky I might get some better photos as time goes on.


I am no longer certain that this is a peregrine falcon.

If anyone can help with a positive I.D. that would be great.