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Thursday, December 29, 2011

Winnipeg Small Business Profiles

I am excited to announce a new project that I am working on coming up in 2012.  If you are a small business owner in Winnipeg, now is your chance to get some free exposure for your company and your products.  Event Horizons Photography (EHP) is now offering free space on the blog to get your company's mojo out into the readership.  I will come to your workplace, and make some images, you can write your own write-up (must meet EHP's standards, and be approved by me).  All images must have model release forms filled out properly in order for a story to be included in the blog.

The Event Horizons Photography blog has been around since May 2009.  It has had over 6000 page views (as of December 2011).  In November, we had 249 page views.  That is a decent audience, and it continues to grow.  Most of our audience is in Winnipeg, so this is probably more appealing to Winnipeg focused businesses, however we get viewers from around the globe, from time to time.  As more people take up the offer here, more people will see your company profile, I have designed this program to maximize early investment.  The sooner you have a company profile posted, the more views you will get.

What's in it for EHP?  If you like your images, and would like them to be used for company media, or just to hang on your wall at the office, you can purchase them at regular prices.  (Clearly stated on the blog.)  Be advised however, I will not push any sales!  If you want to talk about it, I will wait for YOU to approach ME.

Once your story is accepted, and posted, you can include the link to the story in your companies literature, for a ready made profile for your customers and partners to see.  I will also include a link to your company website, if you have one, so people can find you easy!  This will also increase your SEO (Search Engine Optimization).

You can request removal of any post, any time.  If things change for your company, EHP can change with you!

Please pass this offer on to people you may know, who might be interested!

The front page is located here:



     -David Williams

Tuesday, December 20, 2011

This is how we change a light-bulb in Winnipeg

1 Hockey Rink
2 nuts who like this sort of thing
3 fresh bulbs

Saturday, December 3, 2011

CP Holiday Train Rolls into Winnipeg

A Few from the Archives

Just a few shots from the Zoo this summer.


Well, it has been a very busy couple of months, but Charlee is doing quite well, and having a blast.  She has learned many commands, but she still decides what ones she wants to obey, and which ones she will ignore.  We have had a few visits to the dog park now, and she seems to be getting socialized quite well.  I look forward to her next encounter with my brother's dog.  The last time they met, she spent most of her time cowering under the bushes.

Sunday, October 16, 2011

New Addition to the Family

Just a quick post to show off the newest member of the family.  It's going to be a very busy next few months!

Wednesday, October 12, 2011

Monday, October 10, 2011

Happy Thanks Giving!

The fox is thankful for the Spruce Grouse, I don't know what the Spruce Hen is thankful for.  I am thankful for another great weekend out in the wilds of Canada.  Fresh air, active wildlife, a healthy body, good friends, a loving family, and a job that pays the bills.  That's what I'm thankful for. What are you thankful for?  Let me know in the comments!

Saturday, October 1, 2011

Fire in Transcona

I don't know what the cause or fuel of this fire is, but I thought I'd post it up anyway. The fire was quite large, and it caused many spot fires in the surrounding area. Due to the high winds, this fire is quite serious. The police have quite a few intersections closed. Both police and fire have multiple municipalities in attendance.

View From the Perimeter Highway

Spot Fire

View from Kilcona Park

My photos were picked up by ChrisD.ca

Thursday, September 22, 2011

Canadian Nature Photographer Article

I am pleased to be a guest writer for Canadian Nature Photographer this month.  I was asked if I would be willing to write an article about being a nature photographer in Manitoba, and I jumped at the chance.  You can check out my article, as well as many other fine nature photographers' work here:

Canadian Nature Photographer

Wednesday, September 21, 2011

Sunday, September 18, 2011

Joshua's 7th Birthday!

I had the opportunity to photograph Joshua's 7th birthday party yesterday.  It was quite a bash! It was held at the children's museum at the forks in Winnipeg. It had a pirate theme, and it was non-stop action!

The cake provided by High Tea, in Winnipeg was fantastic!

The cupcakes were provided by Cupcake Corner, and they were delicious!

The children's museum event staff helped to keep things running smoothly.  The Children's Museum seems like a pretty cool place to hold a birthday party!

Saturday, August 27, 2011

Lockport Manitoba

A popular place for picnics, and fishing, Lockport Manitoba is quite active with all kinds of wildlife. My favourite is the pelicans, who seem to defy gravity as they glide across the water. They spend most of their time gathered in large groups near the dam, hop-scotching over each other as they float too far from the dam. I can only assume they are catching the smaller fish that congregate near to the dam.

Don't forget to try a world famous Skinner's Hotdog, while you are there. So good!

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Thursday, August 25, 2011


Hi guys, just a logistical update.  EHP now has a facebook page here.  If you have not already done so, please consider "liking" it.

Sunday, August 21, 2011

Red Fox

It looks like at least one of last year's litter is doing quite well. This red fox was looking quite healthy and full of energy, except for a brief lay down in the cool sand. It was fantastic to see her doing so well. I suspect her mother died during last Winter, as I have not seen her around. In the wild, they don't tend to live longer than a year or two. This little vixen was quite busy scent marking, and chasing anything that moved. Red foxes are easily one of my favorite subjects to watch and photograph in the wilds of Manitoba and Ontario. I have yet to get a good photograph of the kits, as they tend to stay in the den if they catch wind of me. The only time I have seen them active is in dusk, when it is too dark to photograph, let alone see them.  They are also extremely fast when they are old enough to actually come out of the den. Definitely something I am trying hard to do.

Monday, August 15, 2011

Black Capped Chicadee

These little guys seem quite tame. It looks like they have been fed by people. Makes for some really good up close shots. The first one is not really all that good, but I included it as this one in particular landed on my foot! He didn't stay put for long, but I am tickled that I snapped a decent shot of him before he flittered off.

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